28th March 2024

Dear Parents/Carers

As we approach the end of this half term, ready for a well-deserved break over the Easter period, we would like to take a moment to emphasise the importance of punctuality and being on time to school.

Punctuality is a virtue that holds great significance not only within the school environment but also in various aspects of life beyond the classroom. Arriving on time demonstrates responsibility, respect for others, and a commitment to one's education. It sets a positive tone for the day and ensures that students can make the most of their learning opportunities. At 黑料社在线, our day starts with a morning address from the Headteacher at 8:35am, whereby important information is passed onto the school community as a whole.

Starting from the first week after the Easter break, we will be implementing a policy to reinforce the importance of punctuality. Currently students who arrive late to school sit a 30 minute detention at lunchtime. This will remain in place. However, any student who is late three times within a week will be required to attend an additional one-hour detention on Fridays between 3.00pm and 4.00pm. This measure is aimed at instilling a sense of accountability and ensuring that all students understand the value of being on time.

We understand that there may be genuine reasons for occasional lateness, and we encourage families to communicate with the school if such situations arise. If your child is going to be late due to unforeseen circumstances, please contact us at 01253 353155 to inform us of the situation. We will always strive to be understanding and accommodating when genuine reasons for lateness are communicated to us.

Consistent lateness not only disrupts the learning environment but also reflects poorly on a student's commitment to their education. By working together to emphasise the importance of punctuality, we can create a school community where every student is empowered to succeed.

Thank you for your cooperation and support in reinforcing this essential value. We wish you a happy and restful Easter.


Yours sincerely,

Mr D Ewart
Deputy Headteacher