Please see the table below for suggested work and also click on the subject buttons above for relevant coursework and study materials.

Year 9 Suggested Work

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黑料社在线 Challenge 100! How many can you do each week?

Create your own quiz on your favourite subject and try it on your family. Copy down the lyrics to your favourite song and see what poetic devices you can spot! Download a wellbeing app like Calm and try meditation. Make homemade pizza. Call a grandparent or loved one.
Learn a new hobby. Bake a cake. Tidy your room. Watch a National Theatre Live (available on YouTube – Thurs). Pay a friend a compliment on Social Media.
Use a camera to take lots of photos on your daily walk. Write a film review on a film you have seen. Create your own gaming character and label them and their superpowers. Draw yourself in cartoon style. Make a family member a cup of tea or coffee.
Write a play based on the school closure. Fold your clothes. Star gaze on a clear night Download an app to help you spot constellations. Research three career paths that interest you. Complete a puzzle.
Start a Diary – we are living through History. Clean the kitchen worktops. Sew a button or fix a hole in an item of clothing. Email a favourite 黑料社在线 teacher to say thank you via the subject emails. Design a piece of clothing.
Write a 5 point gratitude list of things you’re thankful for. Vacuum your bedroom. Write a thank you letter to a key worker. Design a new pair of trainers. Stay off technology for 24 hours and see how you feel.
Make an exercise video. Write a letter to an elderly family member. Learn British Sign Language using YouTube. Read a book to a sibling/parent. Make a present for someone.
‘Survive’ one day without your phone. Clean the windows. Create a reading den. Learn about a Shakespeare play. Complete an extra work activity and email your subject.
Make everybody in your house lunch today. Make a stop motion animation about the importance of PAUSE. Pay a parent/carer a compliment. Complete the weekly quiz. Do some gardening or weed the driveway.
Complete a Joe Wicks. Create some Rainbow Posters for your window to support the NHS. Learn a dance. Sort your room and create a pile of things you can donate to charity. Write a poem.
FaceTime/Skype a friend or family member. Watch a classical concert online. Create a work space. Watch an educational documentary on BBC iPlayer. Design a board game and then play it with a family member.
Vacuum the Living Room. Choose the best work you’ve done whilst off. Email to your teacher. Pick up litter on your street (remember social distancing). Play a board game you used to enjoy when you were younger. Draw a portrait, using your non-writing hand.
Run a mile during your exercise time (social distancing). Draw a self-portrait face in the style of Picasso. Learn basic first aid (using YouTube). Watch a foreign film with subtitles. Listen to someone else’s favourite album from start to finish.
Make a picture out of things you have foraged for e.g. leaves/sticks/twigs. Learn how to play Cards and then play a game with family. Learn how to make something Origami using YouTube. Make homemade bread. Build a fort like you did when you were younger.
Find photographs that brings you happy memories. Wash the dishes. Explore podcasts or listen to a TedTalks for Children. Plant some seeds to grow something in your garden. Improve your ‘keepy-uppies’ best score.
Clean the bathroom. Learn a new language using the DuoLingo App. Make a visual family tree using old pictures and photographs. Write a short story with you as the main character. Learn how to draw in 1-point perspective (YouTube).
Draw a picture of the view from a window. Make your bed every day. Play charades. Email a teacher to let them know how you are doing. Use empty delivery boxes to build a sculpture.
Go for a walk (social distancing). Learn 122 times tables up to 12 x 122. Visit a virtual museum this week. Visit famous historical locations on Google Maps. Make a list of 5 things you want to do when this is all over.
Try to do 5,000 steps a day, for 1 week. Create your own crossword, and give to people you live with. Try yoga in your garden using YouTube. Make homemade jam. Make breakfast for everyone.
Change the bed linen. Learn how to do your own washing. Read someone else’s favourite book from start to finish. Make a thankyou card to someone in your community. Draw a still life object.


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